In law, “the creator” is always the sovereign authority.
This means that whoever creates something holds ultimate authority over the creation under the rules of common law. Therefore, if you create something, you may claim exclusive ownership, even though you did not apply for a registered patent. However, you might need to prove that you were the creator.
It should also be noted, that under common law, patents and copyrights are exclusive rights for only seven (7) years. When that exclusive license expires, it returns to the public domain for each and everyone to freely enjoy and use.
Under the constitutions of most countries, Members of Parliament are elected by the We: the people within each nation. It is a rule of common law, that one can only [lawfully] be governed by the consent of those to be governed. The Members of Parliament/Congress, therefore, owe allegiance to We: the People who elected/created them. These elected Members are therefore the public servants of We, the People. And as a direct result, elected Members cannot act against the interest of We, the People, or affect them adversely in any way whatsoever. The sovereign power remains at all times with We, the People. The servant cannot become the Master.
In stark contrast, Political Parties elect their [party] members for the purpose of standing at elections. Hence, when elected, those members then represent, and owe allegiance, to that Party, and not to the People within the electorate.
In truth and reality, our Parliaments have been hijacked by political parties. These political parties have thrown We, the People, out of the window, and with it, any notion of democracy. We, the People have now become subject to the political and whimsical influences of political parties, and to the unknown sources that sponsor them. These [unknown] sources may well include foreign Governments and Institutions. This has indeed been discovered of late. This clearly is against the interest of the People and constitutes acts of Treason.
The entire purpose of Parliament/Congress has been destroyed, and the Voice of We, the People has been silenced. Elections, today, are only a power play for political parties. The winner takes all. Sure, some bones will be tossed to the opposition under a gentleman’s agreement, but only in order to keep the corrupt political system in play. The sad truth thatremains is that We, the People are totally shut out and removed from our democratic process. We no longer have any say whatsoever. Voting has little effect, no matter which Party you vote for.
Politics is a closed shop for those who wish to enrich themselves at the expense of We, the People who elected them. Government makes for a wonderful milking cow. We, the People are presently controlled by organised crime syndicates that parade as ‘legitimate’ governments. These governments are meant to be the custodians of our National Estate, which is our commonwealth and belongs to the people. But governments are not our trusty custodians. They have proven to be nothing more than private racketeers and common thieves, who are willing to sell off our National Estate for their own personal gain. What happened to democracy? “politic adj. 1. artful or shrewd; 2. crafty; cunning;”
In most countries there are generally only two major political parties, that effectively can win the right to govern following general elections. In most countries, both major parties are controlled from without by the same foreign source. Is it really surprising, therefore, that we have been taken for this [huge] fraudulent ride for all these years? Were We, the People not born free and sovereign? Do we really need parliaments to determine what we can do, or not? Is it not our God-given sovereign right to determine, for ourselves, what is good for us, our family, and our community? What has happened to our common sense, and being responsible for our own actions? Do we really need endless statutes, rules, codes, and regulations (which we have never even read, or understood) to tell us what we may do, or tell us how we should behave?
Our Prime Creator supplied us with a very simple Code by which we could live in perfect harmony. One, that covers all things and situations imaginable. A Code that is easily understood, and makes everyone responsible for their own actions; “Do to others, as you would have them do unto you”
This code of conduct is the foundation on which true humanity is built. Combined, and individually, we are ALL THAT IS. We are all connected to one another, and connected to all other species. More importantly, we are directly connected to SOURCE and ALL THAT IS. Even, if, we presently do not understand, or appreciate this. What affects one, will have an effect on the other.
Unfortunately, we have failed to consider this indisputable fact for decades, and even centuries. NATURE is but ONE, and we are all part of IT. It can’t be separated. NATURE mandates Balance, Security, and Harmony for ALL. These essential ingredients bind us to one another. Not just to other people, but to all other species, in fact to everything around us. It is just not possible to have but one element and to reject the other.
Nature does not discriminate. All was designed to act in perfect harmony and in perfect balance. ” humanity n.
1. the human race;
2. the quality of being human;
3. kindness or mercy; the study of literature, philosophy, and the arts.”
Please, let us all re-examine our current own attitudes whilst we have this wonderful opportunity, right now, to return to ‘The Light’ and to our inviolable inherent common law.
Let us accept the true meaning of Nature and be guided by it. Let us return to our true common law, the Law of Nature, and rid ourselves of our fears, greed, discrimination, hatred, distrust, disrespect, and disbelief.
Instead, let us embrace Love and The Light. The Time is Now!
United we stand, divided we fall.
Let us abolish all political parties, and re-assume our own natural responsibility to our fellow men, and to Nature. Let us all be mindful, that what is good for one, will, and must be good for all.
Let us jointly embrace the simple codes of Nature, and reform this world into the Paradise of Peace, Love, Happiness, and Fairness, that it was meant to be.